Swaantje MartenFeb 5, 2022Does gender matter in the fight against Covid-19?One year into the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become clear that different countries have varying success in fighting the virus and saving...
Swaantje MartenFeb 5, 2022Will Covid-19 renew or diminish public trust in science?Eichengreen et al. (2020) are trying to predict whether the current pandemic will enhance people’s trust in science in the long-run by...
Katerina MniestriFeb 5, 2022How does the Covid-19 pandemic become a pretext for centralized tech solutionism?Alondra Nelson and Kate Crawford discuss how the Covid-19 pandemic has served as a pretext for tech companies and governmental...
Eduardo TintiFeb 5, 2022COVID-19 and Emerging Markets: Underlying assumptionsIn the Cem Çakmakl et al (2020) NBER working paper, the authors set forth a model outlining the macroeconomic effects of the Covid-19...