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Filippos Papasavvas
Apr 2, 2023
Who is most at risk of homelessness in the UK?
Bramley and Fitzpatrick (2018) investigate the impact of different factors in driving people to homelessness in the UK, and they refute...
Nikolas Neos
Jan 22, 2023
On the birth of free trade
In his 1994 paper, Avner Greif detected systematic cultural differences between two medieval trading societies: the ‘collectivist’...
Filippos Papasavvas
Aug 31, 2022
World food regimes: a short history
Xu (2019) distinguishes between three historic world food regimes: the period when the UK was the world’s major food importer...
Nikolas Neos
Jul 12, 2022
Does democracy make you richer?
Using data covering 175 countries from 1960 to 2010, Acemoglu et al (2019) estimate that, on average, democratization alone increases GDP...
Ioannis Milioritsas
Apr 3, 2022
Dominant Currency Paradigm - Do bilateral exchange rates matter for trade?
In their article, Gopinath et al. (2020) found evidence that global trade volumes and prices are significantly driven by the value of the...
Filippos Papasavvas
Feb 5, 2022
Why does investing in early childhood development pay off?
The Carneiro et al (2019) working paper investigates the effect of unconditional monthly transfers and information-based support on early...
Sandra Loayza Guzman
Feb 5, 2022
Universal Basic Income or Targeted Income Transfers?
Rema Hanna and Benjamin Olken (2018) explore the trade-offs associated with universal basic income and targeted income transfers as a...
Eduardo Tinti
Feb 5, 2022
Monetary Sovereignty is a spectrum: modern monetary theory and developing countries
Bonizzi's et al (2019) paper addresses and criticizes how Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) scholars set forth their assumptions and policy...
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